Programs & Services


Adjustment to Vision Loss

Lighthouse’s holistic Adjustment to Vision Loss Program helps adults and seniors living with vision impairment in Pasco, Hernando, and Citrus Counties with accepting and adjusting to vision loss and improving self-esteem. The program is based on Passages which is one of the programs used by practitioners in the field of vision impairment to help clients to adjust successfully to a life without vision or with a vision impairment.

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Independent Living Skills

The Independent Living Skills Program provides individual and group vision rehabilitation to adults and seniors to promote optimal independence in all activities of daily living, and includes assistance with coping and adjustment to vision loss and low vision.

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Orientation and Mobility

Orientation and Mobility (O&M) training teaches individuals with visual impairments to travel safely, efficiently, and independently in various environments using white cane, sighted guide, and other protective techniques.

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Braille Literacy

The Braille Literacy Program provides training to individuals with visual impairments to read and write braille for use in their daily lives, whether it is in the home, at school, or on the job.

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Assistive Technology

The Assistive Technology Program covers screen magnification and/or speech access that enables persons who are visually impaired to use the Internet, to e-mail family and friends, and develops basic, intermediate, and advanced computer skills. It also covers training on iPhones, iPods, and iPads.

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Client Support Services

Home-bound clients are assisted with having their basic needs met through a variety of activities. We help with grocery shopping and medications; provide wellness calls and vision loss counseling and training for independence over the phone; offer assistance with registering for talking books, handicapped placards and money identifiers; and help with marking appliances and phones and making accessible address books

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Vocational Rehabilitation

The Vocational Rehabilitation Program (Job Readiness) provides individuals who are blind and visually impaired with training and skills that enable them to confidently and effectively acquire and retain competitive employment.

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Support Groups, Drop-ins & Book Club

Many individuals feel isolated and uncertain and lose independence when they lose significant amounts of vision. Lighthouse provides support groups and book clubs to help people cope with these negative effects.

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Employment Program

Everyone deserves the opportunity to work; however, there is an over 70% unemployment rate for persons who are visually impaired and blind. To help address this problem, the Lighthouse created the Lighthouse Production Facility.

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Low Vision Clinic at the NPR Lighthouse

Low Vision services are now available by appointment at the NPR Lighthouse, thanks to Dr. Edward J. Huggett and NuEyes Low Vision Solutions. Dr. Huggett’s goal is to help people regain functional vision and independence, using optics, magnification, and assistive devices. He is available to serve Lighthouse clients and the general public.

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