Low Vision Clinic at the NPR Lighthouse

NuEyes Low Vision Solutions now provides services at the NPR LVIB

Dr. Edward J. Huggett Dr. Edward J. Huggett

Low Vision services are now available by appointment at the NPR Lighthouse, thanks to Dr. Edward J. Huggett and NuEyes Low Vision Solutions. Dr. Huggett’s goal is to help people regain functional vision and independence, using optics, magnification, and assistive devices. He is available to serve Lighthouse clients and the general public.

Low vision is the term used to describe significant visual impairment that can’t be successfully corrected with regular glasses, contact lenses, medication, or eye surgery. People who have low vision have difficulty with skills of daily living, reading, seeing faces, watching t.v., traveling independently, and participating in the community. Low vision services help individuals experiencing this type of vision loss with regaining functional vision and independence, using very specialist optics (glasses and other lenses), magnification, and assistive devices (such as Field, Biopatic, and E-Scoop Glasses, the Clearimage ll Microscope, and Full Diameter Telescopes).

For more information or to make an appointment, please call 727-463-2579 or visit Dr. Huggett’s website at www.lowvisionsupport.org.

Client Story


Randy is a personable, hardworking, responsible, and pro-active person, who happens to have severely impaired vision. He took LVIB’s Independent Living Skills Program to regain his confidence and sense of well-being.

Read more about Randy