Assistive Technology

The Assistive Technology Program covers screen magnification and/or speech access that enables persons who are visually impaired to use the Internet, to e-mail family and friends, and develops basic, intermediate, and advanced skills related to the technology being utilized. This training provides those interested in returning to work or maintaining their current employment with the opportunity to develop the skills in a variety of assistive technology that will enable them to work. It is also open to visually impaired and blind individuals wanting to learn assistive technology for personal use. Home devices are included in the AT program as well.

The Lighthouse currently provides software training that includes:

  • Screen Readers such as JAWS (Job Access with Speech), NVDA, VoiceOver, and Talkback
  • Screen Magnifiers such as MAGic, ZoomText and Windows Magnifer
  • Smart speakers such as Echo and Google
  • Video Conferencing apps such as Zoom and other useful apps for mobile phones, PCs, and Macs
  • Training is provided on PCs, Macs, iPhones and other smartphones, iPads, iPods
  • We also provide training in our Independent Living Skills Program for CCTV (desktop magnifier) and other assistive technology devices.
  • We have a CCTV (desktop magnifier) borrowing program for clients and other residents of Pasco, Hernando & Citrus who are visually impaired. Borrowing is based on meeting eligibility requirements and on CCTV availability.

For more formation about these programs, please contact the Lighthouse.

AT Provides Independent and Timely Access to Printed and Online Information

A man and a woman sit in front of computers running Zoom Text

Screen magnification is one of many ways a visually impaired person can access a computer